2nd Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming

Firenze, Italy, 2nd September 2001

Over the past few years, Scheme and its implementations have made tremendous progress in support of generative programming, shell scripting, COMponent support and distributed programming, graphics and GUI support, OO programming, and various other aspects of engineering real-world software. Following the 1fst Scheme workshop which took place in Montreal, 17 September 2000, we are calling on implementors and users of Scheme systems to share their ideas at a 2nd Scheme workshop during PLI 2001 in Florence.

Workshop program

8h-9h00        Registration PLI 2001 

9h30-9h50      Marc Feeley 
               A Better API for First-Class Continuations (PDF)

9h50-10h10     Kirill Lisovsky
               Scheme program souce code as a semistructured data (PDF)

10h10-10h30    Augustin Lux 
               Tools for Automatic Interface Generation in Scheme (PDF)

10h30-11h00    Coffee break

11h00-11h30    Fred Bayer 
               LispMe: An Implementation of Scheme for the PalmPilot (PDF)

11h30-12h00    Danny Dube, Marc Feeley 
               Demand-Driven Type Analysis: an Introduction (PDF)

12h00-12h30    Martin Gasbichler, Holger Gast 
               Soft Interfaces: Typing Scheme At Module Level (PS)

12h30-14h00    Lunch

14h00-14h30    Frederic Peschanski 
               Jargons: Experimenting Composable Domain-Specific Languages (PS)

14h30-15h00    Philippe Meunier, Robby Findler, Paul A. Steckler, Mitchell Wand 
               Selectors Make Set-Based Analysis Too Hard (PS)

15h00-15h30    Manfred Widera
               An Algorithm for Checking the Disjointness of Types (PS)

15h30-16h00    Coffee break

16h00-...      Michael Sperber 
               Open session 
All papers will be available after the workshop event.

Programme committee

Useful links

PLI 2001 http://music.dsi.unifi.it/pli01/
Scheme Workshop 2001 http://kaolin.unice.fr/Scheme2001/
Registration Information http://music.dsi.unifi.it/pli01/registration/
Scheme Portal http://www.schemers.org/