Invited Talk: If programming is like math, why don't math teachers teach programming?
Emmanuel Schanzer
It's been forty years since Logo, so why aren't middle schools teaching programming? Educational research has highlighted the pre-teen years as a crucial stage in the development of student attitudes and competencies in all subjects. With the growing pressure on these schools to raise student scores in Mathematics and to expose them to technology, many once again believe that computer programming holds the answer. In this talk I explore some of the recent research about mathematics education and cognitive science, and compare several of the current child-friendly programming environments. In the process, I identify the orthogonal strengths of each approach, the obstacles that prevent each from gaining traction in typical middle schools, and present a hybrid approach under development, called Bootstrap [] that is currently in use at middle schools around the country.
The Scribble Reader: An Alternative to S-expressions for Textual Content
Eli Barzilay
For decades, S-expressions have been one of the fundamental advantages of languages in the Lisp family—a major factor in shaping these languages as an ideal platform for symbolic computations, including meta-programming and much more.
As convenient as this minimalist syntax may be, it is highly inconvenient for dealing with textual content. In this paper we describe the reader used by Scribble—the PLT Scheme documentation system. The reader implements a syntax that is easy to use, uniform and meshes well with the Scheme philosophy. The syntax makes "here-strings" and string interpolation easy, yet it is more powerful than a combination of the two.
World With Web: A compiler from world applications to Javascript
Remzi Emre Başar, Caner Derici, Çağdaş Şenol
Our methods for interacting with computers have changed drastically over the last 10 years. As web based technologies improve, online applications are starting to replace their offline counterparts. In the world of online interaction, our educational tools also need to be adapted for this environment. This paper presents WorldWithWeb, a compiler and run-time libraries for mapping programs written in Beginning Student Language of PLT Scheme with World teachpack to JavaScript. This tool is intended to exploit the sharing-enabled nature of the web to support the learning process of students. Although it is designed as an extension to DrScheme, it is also possible to use it in various settings to enable different methods of user interaction and collaboration.
Scalable Garbage Collection with Guaranteed MMU
William D Clinger, Felix S. Klock II
Regional garbage collection offers a useful compromise between real-time and generational collection. Regional collectors resemble generational collectors, but are scalable: our main theorem guarantees a positive lower bound, independent of mutator and live storage, for the theoretical worst-case minimum mutator utilization (MMU). The theorem also establishes fixed upper bounds for space usage and collection pauses.
Standard generational collectors are not scalable. Some real-time collectors are scalable, while others assume a well-behaved mutator or provide no worst-case guarantees at all.
Regional collectors cannot compete with hard real-time collectors at millisecond resolutions, but offer efficiency comparable to contemporary generational collectors combined with improved latency and MMU at resolutions on the order of hundreds of milliseconds to a few seconds.
Distributed Software Transactional Memory
Anthony Cowley
This report describes an implementation of a distributed software transactional memory (DSTM) system in PLT Scheme. The system is built using PLT Scheme's Unit construct to encapsulate the various concerns of the system, and allow for multiple communication layer backends. The front-end API exposes true parallel processing to PLT Scheme programmers, as well as cluster-based computing using a shared namespace for transactional variables. The ramifications of the availability of such a system are considered in the novel context of highly dynamic robot swarm programming scenarios. In robotics programming scenarios, difficulty with expressing complex distributed computing patterns often supercedes raw performance in importance. In fact, for many applications the data to be shared among networked peers is relatively small in size, but the manner in which data sharing is expressed leads to tremendous inefficiencies both at development time and runtime. In an effort to maintain focus on behavior specification, we reduce the emphasis on messaging protocols typically found in distributed robotics software, while providing even greater flexibility in terms of how data is mixed and matched as it moves over the network.
Sequence Traces for Object-Oriented Executions
Carl Eastlund and Matthias Felleisen
Researchers have developed a large variety of semantic models of object-oriented computations. These include object calculi as well as denotational, small-step operational, big-step operational, and reduction semantics. Some focus on pure object-oriented computation in small calculi; many others mingle the object-oriented and the procedural aspects of programming languages.
In this paper, we present a novel, two-level framework of object-oriented computation. The upper level of the framework borrows elements from UML's sequence diagrams to express the message exchanges among objects. The lower level is a parameter of the upper level; it represents all those elements of a programming language that are not object-oriented. We show that the framework is a good foundation for both generic theoretical results and practical tools, such as object-oriented tracing debuggers.
Keyword and Optional Arguments in PLT Scheme
Matthew Flatt and Eli Barzilay
The 'lambda' and procedure-application forms in PLT Scheme support arguments that are tagged with keywords, instead of identified by position, as well as optional arguments with default values. Unlike previous keyword-argument systems for Scheme, a keyword is not self-quoting as an expression, and keyword arguments use a different calling convention than non-keyword arguments. Consequently, a keyword serves more reliably (e.g., in terms of error reporting) as a lightweight syntactic delimiter on procedure arguments. Our design requires no changes to the PLT Scheme core compiler, because 'lambda' and application forms that support keywords are implemented by macros over conventional core forms that lack keyword support.
Fixing Letrec (reloaded)
Abdulaziz Ghuloum and R. Kent Dybvig
The Revised^6 Report on Scheme introduces three fundamental changes involving Scheme's recursive variable binding constructs. First, it standardizes the sequential recursive binding construct, letrec*, which evaluates its initialization expressions in a strict left-to-right order. Second, it specifies that internal and library definitions have letrec* semantics. Third, it prohibits programs from invoking the continuation of a letrec or letrec* init expression more than once. The first two changes increase the incentive for handling letrec* efficiently, while the third change gives the compiler more options for transforming letrec and letrec* expressions.
This paper extends an earlier effort of Waddell, Sarkar, and Dybvig to handle the Revised^5 Report letrec and the (then nonstandard) letrec* efficiently. It presents more aggressive transformations for letrec and letrec* that take advantage of the new prohibition on invoking the continuations of initialization expressions multiple times. The implementation employs Tarjan's algorithm for finding strongly connected components in a graph that encodes the dependencies among the bindings.
Descot: Distributed Code Repository Framework
Aaron W. Hsu
Programming language communities often have repositories of code to which the community submits libraries and from which libraries are downloaded and installed. In communities where many implementations of the language exist, or where the community uses a number of language varieties, many such repositories can exist, each with their own toolset to access them. These diverse communities often have trouble collaborating accross implementation boundaries, because existing tools have not addressed inter-repository communication. Descot enables this collaboration, making it possible to collaborate without forcing large social change within the community. Descot is a metalanguage for describing libraries and a set of protocols for repositories to communicate and share information. This paper discuss the benefits of a public interface for library repositories and detail the library metalanguage, the server protocol, and a server API for convenient implementation of Descot-compatible servers.
A pattern-matcher for miniKanren -or- How to get into trouble with CPS macros
Andrew W. Keep, Michael D. Adams, Lindsey Kuper, William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman
CPS macros written using Scheme's syntax-rules macro system allow for easier composition of macros and control over the order of macro expansion. We identify a limitation of CPS macros when used to generate bindings from a non-unique list of user-specified identifiers. Implementing a pattern matcher for the Kanren family of relational programming languages revealed this limitation. Identifiers come from the pattern, and repetition indicates that the same variable binding should be used. Using a CPS macro, binding is delayed until after the comparisons are performed. This may cause free identifiers that are symbolically equal to be conflated, even when they are introduced by different parts of the source program. After expansion, this leaves some identifiers unbound that should be bound. In our first solution, we use syntax-case with bound-identifier=? to correctly compare the delayed bindings. Our second solution uses eager binding with syntax-rules, which requires abandoning CPS macros when discovering new identifiers.
Randomized Testing in PLT Redex
Casey Klein and Robert Bruce Findler
This paper presents new support for randomized testing in PLT Redex, a domain-specific language for formalizing operational semantics. In keeping with the overall spirit of Redex, the testing support is as lightweight as possible—Redex programmers simply write down predicates that correspond to facts about their calculus and the tool randomly generates program expressions in an attempt to falsify the predicates. Redex's automatic test case generation begins with simple expressions, but as time passes, it broadens its search to include increasingly complex expressions. To improve test coverage, test generation exploits the structure of the model's metafunction and reduction-relation definitions.
The paper also reports on a case-study applying Redex's testing support to the latest revision of the Scheme standard. Despite a community review period, as well as a comprehensive, manually-constructed test suite, Redex's random test case generation was able to identify several bugs in the semantics.
Screen-Replay: A Session Recording and Analysis Tool for DrScheme
Mehmet Fatih Köksal, Remzi Emre Başar, Suzan Üsküdarlı
Approaches to teaching "Introduction to Programming" vary considerably. However, two broad categories may be considered: product oriented vs process oriented. Whereas, in the former the final product is most significant, in the latter the process for achieving the final product is also considered very important. Process oriented programming courses strive to equip students with good programming habits. In such courses, assessment is challenging since it requires the observation of how students develop their programs. Conventional methods and tools that assess final products are not adequate for such observation.
This paper introduces a tool for non-intrusive observation of program development process. This tool is designed to support the process oriented approach of "How to Design Programs" (HtDP) and is implemented for the DrScheme environment. The design, implementation and utility of this tool is described with examples.
Interprocedural Dependence Analysis of Higher-Order Programs via Stack Reachability
Matthew Might and Tarun Prabhu
We present a small-step abstract interpretation for the administrative normal form lambda-calculus (ANF), which has been instrumented to find data dependence information for expressions and procedures.
Our goal is parallelization: when two expressions have no dependence conflicts, it is safe to evaluate them in parallel.
The underlying principle for discovering dependences is Harrison's principle: whenever a resources is accessed or modified, procedures that have frames live on the stack have a dependence upon that resource.
The abstract interpretation models the stack of a CESK machine with high precision by mimicking heap-allocation of continuations.
Abstractions of continuation marks are employed so that the abstract semantics retain proper tail-call optimization without sacrificing dependence information.
Get stuffed: Tightly packed abstract protocols in Scheme
John Moore
This paper describes a layered approach to encoding and decod- ing tightly packed binary protocols. The protocols developed are based on an abstract syntax described via an s-expression. This ap- proach utilises simple built-in features of the Scheme programming language to provide a dynamic environment that facilitates the de- velopment of extensible protocols. A tool called Packedobjects has been developed which demonstrates this functionality. An exam- ple application is presented to illustrate the flexibility of both the tool and the Scheme programming language in this domain. In par- ticular we will show how it is possible to embed this technology into another application programming language such as C to power its network communication. Using the example application we will also highlight the choices available to the developer when deciding whether or not to embed such technology.
Higher-Order Aspects in Order
Eric Tanter
In aspect-oriented programming languages, evaluating advice is usually considered on the same level as evaluating the base program. This is also the case of certain pointcuts, such as if pointcuts in AspectJ, or simply all pointcuts in higher-order aspect languages like AspectScheme.
While seeing pointcuts and advice as base level computation clearly departs AOP from reflection, it also comes at a price: because aspects observe base level computation, evaluating pointcuts and advice at the base level can trigger infinite regression. To avoid these pitfalls, aspect languages propose (sometimes insufficient) ad-hoc mechanisms, which make aspect-oriented programming more complex.
This paper proposes to clarify the situation by introducing explicit levels of execution in the programming language, thereby allowing aspects to observe and run at specific, possibly different, levels. We adopt a defensive default that avoids infinite regression, and give programmers the means to override this default through explicit level shifting expressions. We implement our proposal as an extension of AspectScheme, and formalize its semantics.
This work recognizes that different aspects differ in their intended nature, and shows that structuring execution contexts helps in taming the power of aspects and metaprogramming.